Printed bags
Excellent quality! Fast shipping! Thank you
- Margaret
Delivered earlier than I expected ! Items are all great quality ! Would definitely shop here again !
- Lc
Good quality on time delivery good…
Good quality on time delivery good prices
Pleased with my purchase.
My order came 3 days faster than I was told. The product was as ordered. I will order from them again. Thanks
- R.C.
I'm really really pleased
Someone answered the phone when I called with a question! They had what I wanted in stock and sent it right away. The package wound up in the wrong place and they took immediate action to have the shipper correct the shipper's mistake. The price of the item was more reasonable than other places, the quality is as good as I expected, and they charged a more reasonable shipping fee than another company I've used. I'm so glad I found this company, and even more happy when I saw on the invoice that they are "family owned and operated."
- B Bailin
Excellent pricing and reliable service.
Of the orders I have done with, all of them have come through without any issues. I am very happy with their prices and reliability.
- Jason
Product was as advertised
Product was as advertised; shipping was prompt. Completely satisfied.
- Karin Murphy
- Barbara Most
Quality Products at Best Prices
Everything I received was great, I was especially impressed with the mannequin bust which was much bigger and nicer than expected
- Lillian
Same day Support
Had a problem with the shipping company, Reported it to Gems on Display and the same day they responded to the problem and gave me an update. Thank you!
- Barbara
Great servvice!
Good prices, fast service.
- Sandra Golbert
Fast delivery, great price and quality
I was really happy with my recent purchase and the bust displays really elevated my pieces. Will buy again when needed!
- Megan
Amazing Response
This was my first order with Gems On Display...they completed my order and shipped in a very timely fashion! Thank you for your great customer service!!
- Kim C.
Very pleased.
Very pleased. My exprience is limited to one purchase, but I received a prompt response to my question about the item, the product was in stock at a fair price, there were no shipping delays or problems, and we are delighted with the product.
- Hanna Cook-Wallace
Very happy with quality of items I ordered.
Received order quickly-happy with quality... Just wished sponge inserts were given with trays, I did order the display pad insert... Will be checking if I can order sponges.
- YMD in CT
The ring box is perfect to display the diamond ring I bought for my honey.
- Sherry
all beautiful
Fast shipping and I'm in love with everything.
- iona
Great purchase
Works great, happy.
- Jennifer Maschhoff
fast shipping protected package
Order was packaged and shipped perfectly, and on time. Thank you!
- Mimi Gomberg
My experience with them was fantastic
My experience with them was fantastic. The quality of the beads and stones were tops. I WILL shop with them again.
- Kim Guiseppi
love everything
love everything I get from this place
- Kristina Baver
Great little boxes
The boxes are a great color - very natural looking. They were packed very nicely and quick shipping.
- Julie
I used to order all of our display items from that "other company", til I found Gems on Display. Their selection is some much more diverse, and fits our jewelry needs so much better.
- Mike
Earring Display
I purchased the leather risers and 96 item earring display for a home show. The items arrived promptly and were just what I needed to organize and display my jewelry items.
- Carolyn Leonard Attah
Fast and accurate service
Loved all of the items and the prices can't be beat! Great service
- Kaye