Price and quality of product was great.
Price and quality of product was great.
- J Charlene Hollifield
Love this site
Love this site. I order from them all the time.
- Terra Nicholson
great buy
Great service and fast delivery.
- Sir Swat Treasures
quick service
quick service, great quality
- Mark Frady
supper fast delivery and good prices have shopped around and they are the cheaest by ar or carriers and tray and liners will continue to buy more
love them supper fast service highly recomend
- Customer
Been a customer for 3 Years
We have been a customer for 3 years. We keep coming back because of the great service, fast shipping and low prices. All of our orders are packed well. We only had one issue and it was taken care of quickly and professionally,
- Twisted K's
Earring Storage Cabinet
Ordered a 5 tray earring storage cabinet with 18 slot inserts. Price was reasonable, shipment was quick and quality of goods received excellent. Very happy with this purchase
- Andrew Mikloiche
My order arrived quickly
My order arrived quickly. Quality of the boxes was excellent. The only downside is the smell--which is strong. Hoping that airing them out makes the smell dissipate quickly. Otherwise very happy with my order.
- Foodie Chick
Merchandise is better than I ever …
Merchandise is better than I ever expected. Customer Service is excellent. I called with a question and the personal follow through was perfect. I received my item in 3 days and it was beautiful.
- Patrizia Marie
Gems on display
The product is top quality. Shipping is quick and I love everything I ordered
- Cheryl Phillips
Wonderful Service!
The boxes are perfect and elegant. We asked for expedited shipping and everything was delivered as requested. Great website and selection overall!
- Thomas McInnis
My first order. I will be back!
Their ring stands are very nice. Sturdy and Excellent prices ??
- Roseanna Pratt
Great Item and service
Gems On Display had exactly what I needed and provided very fast shipping. I will definately buy from them again in the future.
- Jean Sexton
Happy with the service.
I’ve purchased several things online and was very pleased with items. My last order I needed help and called. They were very helpful.
- Frances
Gems is Great!
This is my second order on Gems on Display, and both times I needed my items right away and they came through! Great products and great customer services, and extra fast shipping! Love doing business with you!
- Annie
Great Customer Service!
Even though I received the wrong item, the company immediately returned my call and sent the correct item overnight.
- Pam
Reliable service.
I am please how fast, how inexpensive and reliable ordering through Gems on Display. I will certainly be repeating supplies from them again.
- Gold Prospector Adventures recreate it store
Simply The Best
I have ordered 3 times from Gems On Display, and every order has been perfect. The website is easy to navigate, placing orders is easy, and order confirmations are always prompt. My orders arrive on time complete with checked-off order sheet. I have recommended Gems On Display to friends who have ordered with happy and positive results. Can't say enough nice things about this company.
- Diana O.
came damaged
came damaged, issues were handles with ease and care. Thank you
- Kathy Wallace
Excellent Service-Good Products
My order was processed very quickly and the products were of high quality. Will definitely order from Gems On Display again.
- Ollies Squirrel Chasing Company
Great place to Shop!
Extremely fast shipping and are very polite and helpful on the phine. I ordered many times from them and have been satisfied each time.
- Alexander
I am very excited about my purchase!!!
I have been searching for a jewelry box that would protect my gemstones, and not take up a lot of space for along time. I tried to contact Gems On Display through their website to ask questions about their products, but did not get a response. After waiting a couple weeks I decided to call, and I am glad I did. The person I spoke with was friendly, knowledgable, and spoke English I could understand. How rare is that? My order shipped fast, and I absolutely love it. I will be placing another order soon. Thanks!
- Carrie
Phenomenal customer service
I recently placed an order with Gems on Display. The customer service rep that assisted me Isabelle D has been Phenomenal. She assisted me every step of the way to ensure my order was exactly what I needed. I will highly recommend this site to other sellers that I know and I will be a forever customer. Thank you so much.......... The Fashion Palace!
- Monique Cohen
Items are great!
We ordered for the first time recently and will be ordering more. Items were of great quality and arrived quickly. I feel they have already improved my sales.
- Jo
works as it should!
Works as it should! Would be helpful if it had instructions in the box. Couldnt get the light to work when I first got it and couldnt figure it out. Had to call and ask and the guy on the phone was very helpful. Holds both my high school and college class rings beautifully and I love the led light feature that shines down on both of my rings. It's perfect and exactly what I was looking for to display both of my rings in instead of just keeping them locked up in a safe to be forgotten about. ?? Thank you!!
- Hannah Taylor