Ceramics Retail Labeling & Display Tips | Gems On Display

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Greetings, pottery enthusiasts and label aficionados! Today, we embark on a creative journey into the enchanting world of labeling retail ceramics, brought to you by none other than the maestros at Gems On Display. Join us as we explore how this company sprinkles a touch of magic onto the labeling process, turning it into a true work of art.

Setting the Stage: Gems On Display Shines Bright

Gems On Display Cermics and Labeling

In the realm of labeling ceramics retail, Gems On Display isn’t just a name; it’s a beacon of brilliance. Picture a stage, bathed in the warm glow of a spotlight – that’s where your pottery takes center stage. With Gems On Display, your labels aren’t just tags; they’re sparkling gems that add a touch of glamour to your creations. They also convey the journey that is your business and life. Oftentimes, artists and creators love to share the story behind their works of art. Removable labels from Gems On Display allow you to add that piece of history to every cherished item.

The Labeling Ballet: Precision and Elegance in Motion

Pottery Making Labels Gems On Display

Labeling ceramics is a delicate dance, and Gems On Display pirouettes through it with grace. Each label is precision-cut, seamlessly blending with the contours of your pottery. Custom outter cuts are also available allowing you to achieve that perfect signature look. It’s not just a tag; it’s a ballet of elegance, ensuring that your ceramic creations are adorned with the finesse they deserve.

High Gloss Labels: Turning Labels into Precious Art

Ceramic and Clay Labels Gems On Display

Ever thought of turning your labels into attention-catchers? Well, Gems On Display certainly has! Transforming the mundane into the extraordinary, these labels don’t just carry information; they reflective light and capture the eye like precious jewels. Your mug is no longer just a mug; it’s a vessel adorned with the brilliance of a label-turned-glam, courtesy of Gems On Display.

Labels that Speak Volumes: The Gems On Display Signature Touch

Signatue custom label at Gems On Display

Why settle for ordinary labels when you can have ones that speak volumes? Gems On Display understands the power of words, and their labels aren’t just informative – they’re charismatic storytellers. “Sip in Style” on a coffee mug or “Elegance in Every Sip” on a teacup; each label is a signature touch that elevates your ceramics to a whole new level.


In conclusion, dear readers, the art of labeling ceramics is truly elevated when in the hands of Gems On Display. As you delve into the magical world of pottery, let your labels sparkle, dance, and tell stories. With Gems On Display, your ceramics aren’t just labeled; they’re transformed into dazzling masterpieces that captivate and enchant. Here’s to the art of labeling – where every label is a gem, and every piece is a masterpiece!

Elevate Your Brand with t Dynamic World of Custom Printing

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Custom Printing and Custom Cards

In a world saturated with digital communication, the allure of custom printing for businesses is stronger than ever. The ability to transform digital designs into tangible assets offers a range of benefits that can elevate a business’s brand identity, marketing efforts, and customer engagement. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the manifold advantages of custom printing, exploring how it can be a game-changer for businesses looking to make a lasting impact.

Enhancing Brand Identity

Custom Roll Labels

Custom printing is a potent branding tool that goes beyond the digital realm. It allows businesses to translate their unique brand identity onto physical materials, creating a consistent and recognizable presence. From business cards and stationery to packaging and promotional materials, custom printing offers a tangible way to convey your brand’s essence.

In an era dominated by digital advertising, the tactile experience of custom-printed materials stands out. A well-designed custom print piece has the potential to capture attention in a way that an email or online ad might not. Whether it’s a creatively designed flyer or a beautifully printed catalog, custom printing helps your business break through the digital noise and leave a memorable impression.

Tangible and Memorable

Custom Printed Cotton Filled Boxes

Physical materials created through custom printing have a lasting impact on recipients. When potential clients and customers hold a well-crafted printed piece in their hands, it creates a personal and tangible connection. This sensory experience contributes to a deeper engagement with your brand and message.

Custom printing exudes professionalism and attention to detail. A business that invests in high-quality printed materials showcases a commitment to excellence, which, in turn, builds trust and credibility among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Tailored Marketing Solutions

Blue Leatherette Jewelry Box

Custom printing offers a range of marketing solutions tailored to your business’s specific needs. Whether you’re launching a new product, promoting a special event, or simply reinforcing your brand message, custom printing provides versatile tools to achieve your marketing objectives.

From personalized direct mail campaigns to custom event invitations, businesses can create a sense of exclusivity and importance for their customers. The ability to address customers by name and offer tailored content through custom printing enhances the overall customer experience.


Card Coupon Code

In an increasingly digital world, custom printing stands as a bridge between the virtual and the tangible. Its benefits for businesses are numerous and impactful, from enhancing brand identity and standing out in the digital landscape to fostering personal connections and diversifying marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of custom printing, businesses can create a distinct and memorable presence that resonates with their target audience. So, whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, consider how custom printing can propel your business towards success by leaving a lasting mark in the hands of your customers.

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See Beauty in Teal Jewelry Bags and Boxes: Style Plus Substance

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Jewelry is not just an accessory; it is an expression of one’s personality and style. To protect and present these precious adornments, the role of jewelry bags and boxes is paramount. And what better way to elevate your jewelry organization game than with the timeless charm of teal color! In this blog post, we will delve into the allure of teal jewelry bags and boxes, highlighting their benefits and the option to personalize them with printing.

Teal Color: A Timeless Elegance

The color teal strikes a perfect balance between calming blue and invigorating green. Its unique and captivating hue has long been associated with sophistication and tranquility. When applied to jewelry bags and boxes, teal instantly adds an air of elegance and luxury, making it an ideal choice for storing and gifting jewelry pieces. Whether you opt for a soft pastel teal or a deep jewel-toned shade, this color complements various styles and pieces, from classic to contemporary.

Style Meets Functionality: Jewelry Bags

Teal jewelry bags offer a gentle touch to protect your precious gemstones and delicate pieces. The convenient string handles make them perfect for travel or everyday use. For a more structured storage solution, teal jewelry boxes are a wonderful option. These feature sturdy construction with plush velvet and satin interiors to protect your jewelry from dust and damage. With separate compartments and padded cushions, these boxes allow you to neatly gift different pieces, eliminating the risk of loss.

The Benefits of Teal Jewelry Bags and Boxes

Teal exudes a captivating aura that adds an element of beauty to the simple act of storing your jewelry. Its visually appealing shade evokes a sense of sophistication and tastefulness, making these bags and boxes an excellent addition to your dressing table or jewelry cabinet Whether you’re storing your engagement ring, a cherished necklace, or a family heirloom, teal bags and boxes offer a versatile and complementary background. Colors can evoke emotions and memories, and teal is no exception. For many, teal symbolizes tranquility, emotional balance, and healing. By using teal jewelry bags and boxes, you can infuse these positive feelings into the act of cherishing and adorning your jewelry.

Personalizing Your Jewelry Storage

Adding a touch of personalization can elevate your jewelry bags and boxes to a new level of significance. Consider optional printing, where you can add your initials, name, or a meaningful quote onto the bags or boxes. Personalization not only enhances their aesthetic appeal but also creates a sentimental value that makes them truly one-of-a-kind.


Teal jewelry bags and boxes are more than just storage solutions; they are an extension of your personal style and appreciation for beauty. With their timeless elegance and numerous benefits, teal-colored storage options offer both practicality and emotional connections. Consider adding optional printing to further personalize these pieces, transforming them into cherished mementos that protect and celebrate your most treasured jewelry. So, why not embrace the allure of teal and elevate your jewelry storage experience today!

More Than Fashion Embrace the Power of Branded Tote Bags

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In recent years, thick paper tote bags with printing have emerged as a trendy and sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags. With a focus on eco-friendliness, they have become a symbol of responsible consumerism. However, the benefits of printed tote bags extend far beyond their positive impact on the environment. In this blog post, we will explore three significant advantages of using these stylish, versatile, and custom-printed tote bags.

Unleashing Creativity and Personalization

Unlike generic plastic bags, printed tote bags open up a world of possibilities for creativity and personalization. Brands, organizations, and individuals can leverage these bags as a canvas to express their unique identity and showcase their creativity. Custom designs, logos, or artwork can be imprinted on the bags, giving them a distinct and eye-catching appearance. This level of personalization not only adds a touch of exclusivity to the bags but also allows businesses to promote their brand and increase their visibility in a subtle yet effective manner. Additionally, for individuals, personalized printed tote bags can be a fashionable statement piece or a thoughtful gift for loved ones, making them truly one-of-a-kind.

Sturdiness and Durability

One of the most overlooked benefits of thick paper tote bags is their exceptional sturdiness and durability. The use of high-quality materials ensures that these bags can withstand the weight of heavy items, making them a reliable choice for grocery shopping, carrying books, or even as a practical everyday accessory. Unlike single-use plastic bags that often tear and contribute to environmental pollution, printed tote bags are designed to be long-lasting. Their strength and resilience enable users to rely on them for numerous purposes, eliminating the need for single-use bags that end up in landfills. Investing in a durable printed tote bag is not only a sustainable choice but also a cost-effective decision in the long run.

Promoting Social and Environmental Awareness

Beyond their role as eco-friendly alternatives, printed tote bags can also become powerful tools for promoting social and environmental awareness. By printing messages, quotes, or images related to important causes, organizations can effectively use these bags as vehicles to spread awareness about critical issues like climate change, wildlife conservation, or humanitarian efforts. Individuals can also use these bags to showcase their support for specific causes, sparking conversations and inspiring others to take action. The visibility of these messages in public spaces can serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to protect the environment and foster positive change in society.


While thick paper tote bags with printing have undoubtedly earned their reputation as eco-friendly fashion accessories, they offer much more than just environmental benefits. From encouraging creativity and personalization to embodying strength and durability, these bags are versatile companions for daily activities and shopping needs. Moreover, their potential to carry meaningful messages helps raise awareness about crucial social and environmental issues. By embracing the power of printed tote bags, individuals and businesses alike can make a conscious choice towards sustainable living while making a style statement that leaves a positive impact on the world.

Illuminate Your Jewelry with Radiant Unique Lighting

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  • The Enchantment of Illuminated Jewelry
  • Powering Your Illuminated Creation
  • Conclusion
  • Video

Jewelry has always been cherished for its captivating beauty, but what if you could enhance its allure even further? Imagine your favorite necklace or earrings glistening with a magical radiant light, drawing attention and admiration wherever you go. By incorporating lights into your jewelry designs, you can bring a new dimension of enchantment and sophistication to your personal style. In this blog post, we will explore the mesmerizing world of illuminated jewelry, the different ways to add lights to your pieces, and how this delightful fusion of technology and art can transform your accessories into true works of wearable art.

The Enchantment of Illuminated Jewelry

Gone are the days when jewelry was simply a static accessory. With the integration of lights, jewelry takes on a new persona, captivating onlookers with its vibrant and dynamic presence. The interplay of twinkling lights against precious gemstones or metalwork creates an ethereal allure that evokes awe and wonder. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are incredibly versatile and offer a wide range of color options. From soft and warm hues to dazzling and vivid shades, LEDs can be customized to suit your design aesthetic. They are also energy-efficient and compact, making them ideal for small jewelry pieces.

Powering Your Illuminated Creation

To bring your jewelry to life, you’ll need a reliable power source. Depending on the complexity and size of your design, you have a few power options. Small batteries, such as button cells or rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, are commonly used to power LED lights in jewelry. They are easy to conceal within the piece and offer a decent lifespan before needing replacement or recharging.


Illuminated jewelry opens up a world of creative possibilities, allowing you to express your style in a truly unique and enchanting way. By embracing the fusion of technology and art, you can transform your jewelry into wearable masterpieces that captivate the imagination. So, go ahead and illuminate your jewelry designs to make them stand out with radiant brilliance, and watch as heads turn and eyes sparkle with admiration for your exceptional creations.

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Elevate Your Style and Small Business with New Satin Pouches

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In the world of fashion and organization, there’s always a need for innovative accessories that combine practicality with elegance. The latest trend to sweep the small business market is the exquisite satin pouches. These beautifully crafted pouches are not only eye-catching but also incredibly versatile, making them the perfect addition to any jewelry maker. Let’s explore the myriad of uses for these new satin pouches, proving why they are a must-have accessory for any small business.

Luxurious Fashion Accessory

Satin pouches are synonymous with luxury and sophistication. With their smooth, glossy surface and soft texture, they exude elegance and refinement. These pouches come in a two beautiful colors (black or grey) and can be printed with your personal business logo, allowing you to express your individual style and complement your small business. Whether you’re packaging merchandise for a formal event, a casual give-away baggy, or looking to ship your product in style, a satin pouch will add a touch of glamour to the overall look.

Organize Your Essentials

Beyond their fashionable appeal, satin pouches serve a highly practical purpose. They are excellent organizers for your essentials, helping you keep your belongings in order. It’s extremely common for small businesses to pre-pack their merchandise. This is extremely helpful for pop up farmer’s markets and conventions. Instead of rummaging through your merchandise tray looking for small items, keep them neatly tucked away in a satin pouch. No more tangled items – your essentials will always be at your fingertips, well-protected and easy to find.

Thoughtful Gift-Giving

Looking for the perfect gift to show someone you care? Satin pouches make for a thoughtful and meaningful present. You can personalize the pouch with their initials in a beautiful gold or silver. As a gift, it not only showcases your attention to detail but also offers a practical and stylish solution for their everyday needs.

Environmental-Friendly Packaging

In today’s environmentally conscious world, it’s essential to make sustainable choices. Satin pouches are an eco-friendly alternative to single-use wrapping papers or plastic bags. They can be reused countless times, reducing waste and contributing to a cleaner planet. By choosing satin pouches for gifting or packaging, you play an active role in supporting sustainable practices.


With their blend of style and functionality, satin pouches have taken the fashion and organization world by storm. From elevating your outfit to simplifying your daily routine and embracing eco-consciousness, these pouches have something to offer for everyone. Embrace the elegance and versatility of satin pouches today, and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. So why wait? Enhance your life and make a fashion statement with these chic satin pouches – your perfect go-to accessory for any occasion!

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Add a Touch of YOU with Custom Printing

Gems on Display Custom Printing

Gems on Display Custom Printing

By adding your custom printing, you can change average into unique! DonÔÇÖt have a logo, but you still want to add a splash of color? We can help! Just call in with a logo/design request and let one of our graphicÔÇÖs designers help you from there. Our capabilities are extremely varied and diverse. From cotton filled boxes to tags to displays- add a dash of marketing and branding to your entire store!

Here are a couple of options available:

Jewelry Boxes, Cotton Filled Boxes, Earring Cards, custom printing

Interested? Placing an order is only 6 steps away!

1. Upload your Logo
2. Name your Logo
3. Add any Additional Text
4. Add Special Requests
5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions
6. Go Shopping!

Brand your items with custom printing today!