Custom Logo Printing: Products

earring cards
Add your logo to earring cards!

You already know that you can get your logo printed on many of the products you use every day (and you know how much this helps you with branding) but one question remains. Which products can you add that logo to? ItÔÇÖs a wonderful question, really, and the answer wonÔÇÖt disappoint you! There are so many options for products that can have your logo added. You can learn more as you continue reading, or visit our home site and browse your favorite products to see if they have the ÔÇ£add your logoÔÇØ icon next to them.DisplaysA wide variety of popular displays can be imprinted with your logo so that your customers are familiarized with your logo as they browse through your store. Products such as acrylic watch display stands, all white leatherette displays (such as this t-bar display), 3D necklace, ring, and gem displays such as this 3D earring display, and more!

Earring Cards

Earring cards or display cards are another way to make your logo visible as they hang on a rotating display or are placed on a creative earring display. You are able to print on a variety of display cards from the Sterling Silver earring cards to the regular 1 ┬¢ÔÇØ square earring cards to bracelet and necklace cards.

Gift Packaging

Send your customers home in style! Add your logo to your gift packaging process by having it printed on your gift bags. They wonÔÇÖt be able to forget you when they get home and open their bag again to see the products they are excited to have purchased (and everyone who sees their bag will also see your logo!).

gift packaging
Brand with gift packaging.

Jewelry Boxes

Be part of every special jewelry moment by adding your logo to your jewelry boxes. Whether it is the inside of an engagement ring box, a pair of anniversary earrings, or a just because necklace, you want to be there. Print your logo on your jewelry boxes and be part of these lasting memoriesÔÇöyour customers will come back for more happy moments.

jewelry box
Logo printed on a jewelry box!
Happy printing!

Branding with Custom Logo Printing

necklace box
necklace box
Branding is imperative to your business. Having a strong brand is what keeps your customers coming back to you instead of finding someone else.It is also the way in which you create a lasting image for your store through a variety of factors to give your customers a clear picture about who you are, what you do, and how you do it. You can brand yourself through the colors you use, your customer service techniques, where you place your logo, and the type of products you sell, among other things.All of these factors are important, but one of them is especially easy. What is it, you ask? Branding with your logo!Your logo is an excellent way to brand yourselfÔÇöespecially if you use it strategically. Placing your logoÔÇöthe mark of your brandÔÇöwhere your customers will see it often without feeling like it is being thrown at them is one of the best ways to keep your store and your image fresh in their minds. This is easily done with custom logo printing!Having your logo custom printed onto displays, earring cards, gift bags, jewelry boxes, and more is the way to have your logo seen over and over again. This insures that your customers will see your logo while they are browsing your products, again when they get home and take your products out of a gift bag printed with your logo, and again when they take their beads or jewelry out of the jewelry box that has your logo on it. There are many opportunities for branding with custom logo printing.
Brand with your logo!

Getting set up with custom printing couldnÔÇÖt be any easier with services like the one Gems on Display provides. DonÔÇÖt hesitateÔÇöstart branding!

How to Clean Acrylic Displays

acrylic ring display

acrylic displaysIf you’ve been using acrylic displays for a while, you might have figured out that if you aren’t careful, they can scratch easily while you’re cleaning them! There are some simple things you can while you’re cleaning them to protect your displays and keep them from becoming cloudy or scratched.

Clean. Don’t clean them with a harsh or abrasive cleaner! Bleach or ammonia will not be kind to your displays. Instead, use a gentle cleaner such as dishsoap. If it is a light clean you are needing, plain water may be sufficient.

Wash. Carefully choose what you use to wipe or brush the acrylic. A soft toothbrush or polishing cloth are ideal for gently srubbing the acrylic to remove and dirt or dust particles that might be clinging to the surface.

Dry. A soft, lint-free option is preferable to dry the acrylic. For example, a paper towel or even a coffee filter are good options because they wil not scratch the acrylic or leave lint behind on your shiny, clean display surface.

What works best for you as you’re cleaning your acrylic displays?

3 Simple Ways to Create Displays

Creating displays is a vital part of your business. You have quite a challenge set before you when making displays for your store; you want to create something that will complement your products and grab the attention of customers, but not be overwhelming (or boring). There is a fine balance between creating the type of display that will bring attention to your products and creating a display that will distract your customer from your products with too many colors or props.

Follow these three simple tips for creating beautiful displays every time!

1. Know your customers. By knowing their likes and dislikes, you’ll be able to tailor your displays to things they will find attractive, and therefore be more likely to want. It also helps you with branding when you know what your customers are wanting.

t-bar display
T-bars can be used for more than necklaces and bracelets!

2. Make your display fun! Create an eye-catching display with the use of colors that complement one another, fun props that are part of your display’s theme, and add texture and color with floral arrangements or┬átissue paper poms.

3. Don’t do too much. Your product should always be the focal point of your displays and everything you do with your display should be to complement your product, not distract your customer. Too many props or colors will draw the attention away from the product you want to sell, so keep your displays simple and effective.

acrylic riser
Accent T-bar displays by adding height with an acrylic riser.

What things do you find the most helpful in creating an effective display?

How Do You Choose A Showcase?


A well-built showcase can optimize the effectiveness of your companyÔÇÖs displays. Many display cases that are being sold in todayÔÇÖs market are made from insufficient materials such as particle board and plastic, or are assemble-upon-arrival. Quality showcases have specific, apparent elements that show your customers you are dedicated to high quality in your store.

What should you be looking for in a display case? We have three key things that we believe are most important when purchasing a display case.

1. A fully assembled showcase. Purchasing a fully assembled case might be slightly more expensive initially; however, there is no match for the quality found in a ready-to-install and fully assembled case. Many of the self-assemble cases that are on the market are made with materials that are unable to withstand the demands of an elegant, quality display case.

2. Tempered glass. ┬áA case with tempered glass has added strength for prolonged use. Unlike plastic, which can easily scratch or wear out, a glass case will add time to the lifespan of your showcase, while giving it a classic style that will fit your storeÔÇÖs image.

3. High quality design. A case with a built-to-last design, high quality materials, and workmanship is the type of case worth an investment. A showcase such as these full vision jewelry displays, is the type of display that your company can use to show customers your attention to detail and quality.

With these essential components in a showcase, you will be able to find a showcase that retains value while fitting the needs of your store.

Build Your Brand with Packaging

The summer season is well underway and since these tend to be slightly slower months before some busy holiday seasons, this is an excellent time to be thinking about display ideas and branding. LetÔÇÖs start by going over some gift packaging tips and ideas.

Packaging is more than wrapping a product in tissue paper and placing it in a box or gift bag; it is a way to show your customers how you perceive their business and your store. You can show your customers that you think highly of your business by choosing colors and styles that complement your products. By carefully packaging purchases, youÔÇÖre showing your customers that you care about their business even after the sale is made.

Did you know that you can increase brand awareness with packaging?

As we briefly mentioned, packaging can be used to further your storeÔÇÖs image by creating a gift packaging experience that will stay in the minds of your customers. This process can start with something simple, such as wrapping the purchased items in colored tissue paper and a matching bow.

Beyond these basics, if you view packaging as part of your storeÔÇÖs image, you can utilize packaging to increase brand awareness and make it a brand building solution. A brand canÔÇÖt be built with a box, but it can be built with a comprehensive program.

What do we mean by a comprehensive packaging program for branding? Everything, of course! Every part of packaging can be used to build your brand, from jewelry boxes to bags to imprinting logos on boxes. Seize packaging as an opportunity further your brandÔÇÖs reputation by recognizing that this is an imperative part of your storeÔÇÖs image.

Some jewelry supply stores are able to assist you in building a packaging program for your specific company. Let your creativity abound this summer as you discover new ways to build your companyÔÇÖs image through packaging!