Creating displays is a vital part of your business. You have quite a challenge set before you when making displays for your store; you want to create something that will complement your products and grab the attention of customers, but not be overwhelming (or boring). There is a fine balance between creating the type of display that will bring attention to your products and creating a display that will distract your customer from your products with too many colors or props.
Follow these three simple tips for creating beautiful displays every time!
1. Know your customers. By knowing their likes and dislikes, you’ll be able to tailor your displays to things they will find attractive, and therefore be more likely to want. It also helps you with branding when you know what your customers are wanting.

2. Make your display fun! Create an eye-catching display with the use of colors that complement one another, fun props that are part of your display’s theme, and add texture and color with floral arrangements or┬átissue paper poms.
3. Don’t do too much. Your product should always be the focal point of your displays and everything you do with your display should be to complement your product, not distract your customer. Too many props or colors will draw the attention away from the product you want to sell, so keep your displays simple and effective.

What things do you find the most helpful in creating an effective display?
I have found that using lots of light – white/silver colored – displays… grab the customers attention faster than black, unless black is REALLY needed for the color of the piece.
I have my tables on bed lifts to make the displays higher – custoners don’t have to bend over as much and it also helps to keep the really little hands from touching too much. Using shelves as well as taller displays adds more dimention. I have a multi shelved wicker (bathroom style) unit for more height. It has several different size cubbies that I use for special pieces. I keep it more at the. It puts those displays closer to eye level.
I also feel that appropriate table covers are a must. If you use inexpensive, like average kitchen table cloths or plain pieces of cloth/material, it may reflect to customers that your jewelry is not worthy of a good display, even subconsciously. I use black panne velvet on 2 tables one table has a white lace runner) and one red one – to stand out some items. This is where I put any black displays. The black tables kind of fall into the background and make the white displays and jweelry draw the attention.
A fun/interesting attention grabber is my drift wood display draped with some appropriate placed pieces, that I put right at the end on the front table. Most people are intrigued and stop to look, which usually draws them in to see more.
If you visit my web site, please understand that it is under constuction as I restructure it. But any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My booth photo is old and doesn’t reflect my updated one mentioned here. A new one is coming soon.
I hope to see what has worked for others.
Love the link to the tissue paper poms. Thanks! I’m glad to be validated in my belief that your product should outshine your display. I am so dismayed to see an artist or vendor spend so much on display only to have the customers want to buy the display and not the product.
Thanks for the blog. I love the tips.